Monday, December 29, 2008

Preparing for the New Year

It's time to look ahead to 2009. 2008 was difficult in many ways. Financial problems plagued everyone and many people lost significant dollars in their IRA or retirement funds. Stability was a term that took on a whole different meaning. There is no way to guarantee stability in a world that is uncertain and changes from day to day. The only stability for a Christian is to stay focused on Christ and trust Him to be the stronghold in our lives.

2008 also had many global problems such as weather disasters with heavy snowfall and ice, raging wildfires and flooding. Fatalities from serious accidents like airplane crashes, commuter train wrecks, and the collapse of bridges and other structures that were deemed safe cost many people their lives. The constant struggle of war in areas such as Iraq and Afghanistan has cost many soldiers their lives as they work to overcome terrorist activity has made the headlines throughout the whole year. Problems in Israel were just making the headlines today so the conflict of war will continue to be a problem.

For the year 2009, I propose that each one of us look towards God's word for comfort and help on dealing with the uncertainty that is all around us. I need to depend on His word to guide me, motivate me, and give me the stability that I need to exist in a world that claims to be Christian yet often ignores Christ. God help me to see things from your eyes and to stay close to you during this new year.

Sunday, December 14, 2008


What better time than Christmas to reflect on the importance of God and what He did for us! The Christmas season is one that seems to exude joy almost everywhere you look. Brilliant colors, twinkling or glittering lights and special music to celebrate the birth of Christ. A sense of anticipation and the joy of shopping. Oh, yes, I know the season can be hectic and make some of us grumpy because of all the demands that seem to pop up everywhere. And I have been there.

During the last few years I have tried to keep the pace simple so I am not overwhelmed. Many people are without family, in nursing homes, in hospitals or simply alone and without hope. That's what needs to be emphasized. There is hope in Christmas because of the birth of Christ. That gift from God is the greatest gift anyone can receive. Take time to read the four gospels and their account of the birth of Christ. Let your mind wander back to what really is the most important thing of all.

Thursday, November 20, 2008


Family can sometimes be a little scary. You love everyone or at least try to love everyone yet if your family is not a Christian family that supports you in your belief. There are all types of people in this world. We all know about the good, kind ones that make you feel great. But then there are the difficult ones, the ones that have a criminal background, addicts and drug users, downright hateful people, and those that always try to get ahead in life without caring about anyone who gets in their way. We don't get to choose our family yet we need to try to maintain our Christian faith in spite of all the family problems. It may seem like these families are a hindrance to our faith but God has a special purpose for you in your family

Some of us are blessed with good, Christian families that have taught us to love and serve God. We are used to getting up on Sunday AM with church and church-related activities being important. I've often wondered how it would be to grow up in a family like Billy Graham's or in a group of Christian singers who tour from place to place sharing their faith with others. I wonder how my life would be different if my background had been different. Of course, I didn't grow up in those environments. God gave me a family that was important during my childhood and I still have many pleasant memories. Consider your blessings and make your life count for God. Consider yourself fortunate if you have a good Christian family to support you and thank God for their help.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008


Making a decision to serve God is not always easy. For one thing, many things in life pop up along the way making it harder to stay on track. For me, I have problems getting up on Sunday mornings if we have been to Little Rock for a concert and I don't get home until 2:00 AM and can't fall asleep until 5:00 AM. I want to be in church but physically I am exhausted and need the rest. The danger here is allowing that pattern to be an excuse for not attending church.

Probably the best way to serve God is to find a church that is caring and outgoing and has a place for you to serve. No task is too small. Perhaps it is a greeter at the front door or a person who counts the number of people in attendance. It doesn't mean that you have to be a teacher or someone who sings in front of church either alone or with another group. When God opens a door of opportunity follow His leading and you will experience joy as you serve Him. Make a commitment to seek His will and see where he leads you.


When God's love is within you, you need to learn to love others like God loves you. That can be a real challenge. I know for me that trying to love someone who is difficult or stubborn is not easy. Many people in the world are hurting or feel like no one cares. Reach out to them expecting nothing in return. Maybe something as simple as a card or an offer to run an errand will make a difference. Don't expect it to happen overnight.

The result of your effort may not be seen for many years but your attempt is at least trying to show an act of kindness. I know one person who has been rather difficult in this community and I forgot one time something that I had done for him. Now that he is in his 80's he tells others that he has no use for anyone else but us. Interesting? You never know what effect your act will have others long term.


With the upcoming rush of Thanksgiving and Christmas there seems to be a overwhelming amount of things to accomplish. I know that for myself I can feel like I am on a merry-go-around with all the receptions and church activities as well as the family meals and celebrations. Yes, there is a lot to handle but learn to “be still”. Slow down the pace and relax and reflect on God and who He is. "Be still and know that I am God" Psalm 46:10

Don't let the holiday celebrations slip by without making God a part of your life. Keep Him close to you and thank Him for allowing each of us the choice to be one of his children. Yes, our heavenly Father loves to see the joy in our eyes just as much as we love to see it in the faces of our own loved ones. Isn't that precious?

Thursday, November 13, 2008


I missed writing about the recent election not intentionally but because my direction at that time was focused on another area. What we have to accept now is the reality of the choice of the people and the future of our country.

No matter who you voted for, President Elect Obama will be taking the oath of office in January. It is time for Christians to pray for wisdom from God as Obama sets about to make new changes in our country and our economy. No one knows what is ahead in the future but we need to have God a part of our country. From the beginning of our nation our country was founded on religious freedom. Many of the “founding fathers” expressed a firm belief in God and in many of the documents written early in our history there is a reference to God.

Today with the overall world problems, we stand to lose the focus on being a Christian nation. The 10 Commandments have been blocked from being displayed in public places and prayer is no longer allowed in public schools. Many of the fine institutions (universities) have mottoes above the doors expressing a belief in God. Now the Pledge of Allegiance is being taken to task to have the words “in God we trust” removed. We need to see that the Christian emphasis remains in this country—no matter what man deems is best.


All around us is evidence of God and His existence. Most people automatically think of nature and the creation which God formed in the beginning. God is with in us our circumstances and whether or not they are positive or negative experiences. He is there if we recognize His presence. Study a person's face or look at the innocence of a newborn baby. Even in the most difficult person or the one who is angry at the world there is an emptiness in the eyes that longs for something different. That something is God. They may not realize it but each one of us have a spiritual nature that seeks to believe in something. For me, it is a belief in God.

Thursday, October 30, 2008


Being a Christian means putting God first in your life every day. It is usually easier to read God’s Word early in the morning. Perhaps you are one of those people who can stay awake in the evening and read the Bible without falling asleep. I have tried it but I usually end up having trouble focusing. My mind is too busy from the events of the day that I can’t relax or I fall asleep.

Right now I am working to set a new pattern that places my time with God as the first thing in the morning. For so long I was tired and had trouble even getting out of bed. I mentally decided that I would push myself to get out of bed earlier by going to bed earlier in the evening. It worked and my next goal was to get back on track with my writing. I decided when I got out of bed I would begin writing early in the day. My mind was clear and it made sense to start writing early in the day. I felt like I had almost lost that part of my life. The thoughts were there; putting them on paper was another thing.

Now that I have that focus in place, I want to put my quiet time before even that. On the days that I put God first my days seem to go easier. I feel more in touch with life itself, and I have an inner peace knowing that God is beside me. When I attended a Bible study at a church here, I did my lesson outside at the patio table early in the day. I could keep focused and the desire to learn increased each day that I looked into God’s word.

However you plan your day, don’t forget God. He can give you peace and inner strength so that your day seems easier to handle.


It seems so obvious to say that a Christian should read or study from the Bible to learn more about God, but many Christians don’t follow that important step. I know when I was first saved that I read and re-read the Bible but as the years have gone by I haven’t kept Bible reading as a priority. Does that mean I never read the Bible? Of course not. It just means that rather than taking time to read God’s Word in the early morning before all the tasks need to be done; I usually tackle some task first and push my Bible reading off to another time. On many days that “other time” never comes. I get so wrapped in what I need to do that I neglect to spend time with God, alone in his Word. Everything seems to take precedence over that brief time alone in God’s Word and mediation with Him. Don’t put the Bible on the table and ignore it. Read it and cherish it. You will find that it changes you from the inside out.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008


Just once try to reference all the verses related to red, blood, and sacrifice. From the Garden of Eden where God clothed Adam and Eve with the skins of animals (a sacrifice) to the end of the Bible where God returns to earth “clothed in a vesture dipped in blood” the theme of sacrifice is present.

Old Testament sacrifices were part of the Jewish ritual. The blood sacrifice was necessary and was offered up in recognition for God’s sovereignty. In the New Testament the cross represents the deepest sacrifice ever made for man. God’s son hung on a cross to carry the sins of the world on his shoulders. The pierced skin allowed the blood to drop down as another indication of the sacrifice. The theme is there. Study it, learn about it, apply it to your life, and share it with others who need God’s love in their life.

Look for other themes such as the significance of the number 12 and how it is repeated from cover to cover. What about ways times that problems seem overwhelming? What does God say about testing in a Christian’s life? Can you find events in the Old Testament which refer to the second coming of Christ that are repeated in the New Testament? Is there a parallel between our physical inheritances here on earth and our spiritual inheritance in heaven? Let God guide you and show you other ways where the theme starts in the Old Testament and follows through into the New Testament.


I’ve heard this phrase several times while growing up in church. It is easy to overlook the real meaning of what is being said. Take whatever you believer and hold it up to the standard of God’s Word and see if it matches. Don’t try to make it fit; be sure that it does follow God’s plan in Scripture. Study the Bible and know what salvation is and how we receive salvation. Study. So often misunderstood. It doesn’t say to read (which I have done for years) but it says to study. That means take time to read, re-read, analyze, cross-reference with other Scripture and take notes. The older I become the more important I realize exactly how important this is. The times I have studied on my own or in a Sunday School class on an in-depth topic are the lessons that make the most impression on me. And don’t try to separate the Old Testament from the New Testament. They are two separate books/sections in our Bible but the prophecies of the Old Testament intertwine with the events and revelations of the New Testament. Everything is a testimony to the love of Christ and how much he cares for us.


Adding the word Christian to an agency, a church, a bookstore or even an outreach program in a community sounds great. It gives a positive connotation to others that these groups are trying to do what is right. Many of these organizations or businesses are truly Christian in their approach. They have a firm belief in God and what he did for us at Calvary. Their purpose is to show others the love and joy of serving Christ. They are compassionate and take the time to reach out to others who are hurting or need help.

Too many people, however, add the tag “Christian” in their conversation, businesses, or other community projects without really knowing the meaning of the word. I have been disappointed when I find a place or person that claims to be Christian in word only. Within a short time they reveal their lack of knowledge of who Christ is or rationalize to accommodate their own reasoning. Even searching on the internet there are plenty of sites that claim to be Christian yet promote worldly advertising. That really bothers me. Way too many times I have found a “Christian” site that offends me by either advertising or a very liberal interpretation of God’s word. In fact that was the reason I started this blog. I hoped that by reading these excerpts everyone can understand more about what it really is to be a Christian, one not only in name but one who lives or tries to live a life similar to the pattern set by Jesus.


“But God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.” In today’s world when a crisis hits many times you hear someone say “if only I could take his place”. When a child is dying and a parent is grief-stricken, it would be wonderful if we could take the pain of the child on us to save suffering. We can’t do that but look at this verse.

God who is sinless cared enough for each one of us that even in our sinful state he sent Christ to die for us while taking on the sins of the world on his shoulders. Christ took our pain upon himself at the cross. He paid a price that resulted in his death…but after 3 days he was resurrected to return to heaven. We do not have to carry our heavy burdens alone. Christ can lift the burdens of the problems we face here on earth if only we will accept His love. Yes, we will still experience problems here on earth but He can give us the strength to get us through the hard times. He loved me. When I am unlovable at times and do things that are against His teachings, he still loves me! Wow!


What if we don’t accept the idea that we each are sinners who need God in our life? Can we claim to be a Christian without taking the step of admitting that we are a sinner? The answer is “No”. This verse tells us that we must face the consequences of sin as death; separation from God physically, spiritually, and eternally. We stand before God covered with a “fig leaf” that keeps us from being close to God to bring our life back into the protection of His care, we need to admit that we are sinners so that we can enjoy life in the Garden of Eden like Adam and Eve initially experienced closeness with God. When we acknowledge our sinful nature we are given the gift of eternal life. A life with God for all time.


In Genesis chapter 2 God finishes creating the world and admits that everything that He created was good or acceptable. His last creation, the image that was closest to the image of God himself, was man and woman. They stood before God naked without anything between them and God. They were clean and without sin. But in chapter 3 both the man and woman were tempted by Satan and succumbed to disobeying God’s commands. Notice in verse 7 that they both realized that there was now something between them and God. They hid from His sight and clothed themselves with fig leaves. That was the beginning of sin in this world. That led to God’s judgment on both Adam and Eve and in removing them from the Garden of Eden. Nothing would ever be the same (at least until His future coming).
Sacrifices would be made throughout the Old Testament to represent the blood sacrifice that would come when God sent His son to the earth. The only real way to cover the sin in man's heart is through the cross. God would provide the way.

Thursday, October 2, 2008


It is not enough to simply know that God loves us. We have to accept His love and realize that sin is what separates us from having a close fellowship with Him. Romans 3:23 simply states that all have sinned and come short of the glory of God. We all are descendants of Adam and have an inherent nature to sin. Asking God to save us and cleanse us from sin is part of the beginning of a Christian life. Letting Him control and direct our life is a key part of being fully committed to God.

John 3:16

This verse is one of the most important verses in the Bible because it shows the great love that God has for us. It is a love that transcends all time and a love so deep that He allowed His son to come to earth to pay the penalty for our sins. God wants each one of us to accept that love and to acknowledge it as being essential to our life. Never forget His love and realize that if we have Him as our Savior that He will be with us every day each step of the way.


It has been my experience while surfing the net to find that there are several concepts about Christianity. Many of those sites are with a very liberal viewpoint and rather than really exemplifying God they use the tag Christian to bring others to their site.

The focus of this blog is to truly find the meaning of knowing God and helping others to find Christian or Godly resources on the web. At times I will list interesting things I have discovered from the Bible. It is to be a journey that is fun as well as informative. It is a journey where we will learn things about God and what it is like to be a true Christian. Walking with God is not just placing the tag "Christian" on my life without fully trusting God and following Him.