“But God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.” In today’s world when a crisis hits many times you hear someone say “if only I could take his place”. When a child is dying and a parent is grief-stricken, it would be wonderful if we could take the pain of the child on us to save suffering. We can’t do that but look at this verse.
God who is sinless cared enough for each one of us that even in our sinful state he sent Christ to die for us while taking on the sins of the world on his shoulders. Christ took our pain upon himself at the cross. He paid a price that resulted in his death…but after 3 days he was resurrected to return to heaven. We do not have to carry our heavy burdens alone. Christ can lift the burdens of the problems we face here on earth if only we will accept His love. Yes, we will still experience problems here on earth but He can give us the strength to get us through the hard times. He loved me. When I am unlovable at times and do things that are against His teachings, he still loves me! Wow!
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