No matter who you voted for, President Elect Obama will be taking the oath of office in January. It is time for Christians to pray for wisdom from God as Obama sets about to make new changes in our country and our economy. No one knows what is ahead in the future but we need to have God a part of our country. From the beginning of our nation our country was founded on religious freedom. Many of the “founding fathers” expressed a firm belief in God and in many of the documents written early in our history there is a reference to God.
Today with the overall world problems, we stand to lose the focus on being a Christian nation. The 10 Commandments have been blocked from being displayed in public places and prayer is no longer allowed in public schools. Many of the fine institutions (universities) have mottoes above the doors expressing a belief in God. Now the Pledge of Allegiance is being taken to task to have the words “in God we trust” removed. We need to see that the Christian emphasis remains in this country—no matter what man deems is best.

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